One of the best parts about working for I.E. Productions was the soup tasting from Bear Creek Country Kitchens. Here are a few highlights of the projects I worked on for Bear Creek.
I designed a killer website with flash animated buttons:
In addition to the website layout and programming, I comped up some of the page headers. These are for the events section:
The information page on the NASCAR racing team:
Shortly after the website launched, Bear Creek changed their logo. I used that in a trade show booth banner, and created the logo for the new “What’s Your Flavor?” campaign:
The “What’s Your Flavor?” campaign featured some recipe cards. These were themed to the two main demographic groups of NASCAR fans and homemakers:
It also required an update to the website. Here’s a screenshot:
An ad for the MPC Bowl football game in Boise, Idaho.
For the Ready to Serve product launch campaign, we created a video, and as usual, I did the motion graphics in Adobe After Effects:
Cities fly-in titles from 0:00
Brand fly-in at 3:59
Yeah, I could have just trimmed it to those times to show, but it was more fun to have the nostalgia of the whole piece. Oh, Kenny…you cut-up!